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   Raised by Another - Synopsis
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   Author  Topic: Raised by Another - Synopsis  (Read 731 times)
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Raised by Another - Synopsis
« on: Jul 25th, 2005, 7:15pm »
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From what I've found, it appears they're skipping this episode and going to "All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues," so I thought I'd do a synopsis of  "Raised by Another."
This episode opens again with an eye (this time Claire's - closed) and a baby crying.   Claire wakes up and sits up to find she's no longer pregnant.  She gets up and walks out of the cave, leaving everyone else sleeping.  She goes through the jungle and finds Locke sitting at a desk, with a deck of cards.  He takes a card from the deck, she asks him what's happening, he tells her "you know what's happening."  She tells him she doesn't understand why. He tells her "He was your responsiblity, but you gave him away, Claire," and draws another card.  He looks up at Claire, his eyes are stones (one black, one white - just like the backgammon game, and like the stones Jack found on the skeletons in the cave). "Everyone pays the price now," he tells her.  Claire goes through the jungle following the baby's cries.  She finds a crib with a mobile above with four Oceanic planes on it.   The planes start spinning and spinning, metal creaks... she reaches into the crib for the baby.. moves the blanket and finds a puddle of blood.  She has blood dripping from her hands.. she screams...  
Dream ends, and Charlie is trying to wake her up, as she fights him off.  She keeps screaming, he keeps telling her it's a dream, it's ok... he looks down, she has blood on her hands... ??
Jack tells Charlie she had a nightmare, and was sleepwalking... Charlie wants to know how he knows... blood was from her squeezing hands into a fist so tight and digging her nails into her hands... Jack questions Claire about her OB/Gyn, was it ok to fly... is she feeling ok... eating enough... typica doctor chat... Wants to know how many weeks in she is.. and date she found out she was pregnant...  
Flashback to Claire and boyfriend in Oz... doing a home pregnancy test.. comes out positive.. Claire is sure she's pregnant.. is six weeks late.. he keeps telling her it could be wrong... At first they're both not sure .. Thomas tells her it may be ok.. they can give this a try... they decide to stay together and have the baby...  
Back to the beach - Kate and Jack talking about Sayid being gone.. says he's been gone a week.  Tells her Claire is going to have the baby soon...  
Cut back to the jungle with Charlie and Claire - Claire writing in her diary... He gives her tea (tells her it's what separates them from the 'savage yanks'.. lol).  Charlie tells her about dreams he has... trying to reassure her.. telling her it will be ok...  
Flashback to Oz - Claire and her friend Rachel, talking about Claire moving in with Thomas... all set to move on Tuesday... they're going to see a psychic.  Claire isn't sure about this, but Rachel talks her into it...  
At the psychic - he tells Claire he needs to see her hands for this... takes her hands and looks at the palms.  closes his eyes...  
Malkin: (psychic) When did you find out?
Claire: What?
Malkin: About the baby...
Claire: um.. two days ago.
(Malkin is quiet, eyes still closed)
Rachel: She has told her mum yet, we're afraid she might...
Claire: shhhh
(Malkin opens his eyes and looks down worriedly at Claire's hands)
Claire: What, should I not tell her?
(Malkin looks at hands again, then up at Claire)
Claire: What? What is it??
Malkin: (lets go of her hands) I'm sorry, I can't.(takes the money out of his pocket and puts it on the table) I can't...
Claire: What were you gonna... what did you see?
Malkin: I'm not doing this reading. (stands up)
Claire: No, you were gonna say something.
Malkin: You'll have to leave now.  Thanks, thanks very much.
They pick up their things to leave
Rachel: What a freak!
Back in the caves.. Claire sleeping again.  A hand reaches in and covers her mouth and wakes her up.  She starts to fight back... her shirt is lifted, flash of metal (a knife??)  She keeps fighting back.
Jack sleeping... Claire starts screaming.. "Help me!!! Somebody's trying to hurt me... "  Jack runs to help.  Charlie is already there... trying to calm her down.. she's saying someone attacked her... held her down.. (Michael, Hurley and Ethan join the group).   Claire says he ran away...  
Charlie and Hurley go off to search.   Jack talks with Claire.  She says he had some sort of needle, tried to stick her with it.  
Night/Jungle - Jack meets up with Hurley and Charlie.  They've checked everything, no one saw anything...  
HURLEY:  Unh-unh. Nada.  Everyone was asleep.  So, I had an idea.  I'm out here  
looking for some psycho with Scott and Steve, right?  And I'm realizing, who the  
hell are Scott and Steve?
JACK:  (shakes his head)  I'm not following you.
HURLEY:  Look, if I was a cop, and some woman got attacked, we'd canvass, right?  
Knock on doors, find witnesses.  But we don't even have doors.
JACK:  Hurley, you're not helping me understand where you're --
HURLEY: We don't know who's living here, and who's still at the  
beach.  I mean, we don't even know each other.  My name isn't Hurley.  It's Hugo  
Reyes.  Hurley's just a nickname I have, all right?  Why?  I'm not telling.  The  
point is, we got to find out who everyone is.
JACK:  You want to start a census?
HURLEY:  Yeah, a registry.  You know, names, what people look like, who's  
related to who.  I mean, we start laying down the law, maybe people will stop  
attacking each other.  It seems like someone's getting punched or stabbed or  
something every other day here.  We got to find out who did this to her.
Back to the caves - Charlie sitting with Claire, wraps her in a blanket.. tells her he won't leave her..  
Back to Oz - Thomas comes in to the loft... Claire is hanging curtains.. all chatty.. and he tells her he "can't do this."  She realizes he's breaking up with her.. tells her he can't be a dad.. what about his life?  His painting..?? and then basically accuses of her of getting pregnant on purpose - "You were supposed to be on the pill!"  Tells her it's over and he leaves.  
Back to the beach: Hurley is taking a census, talking to Locke about who he is, where he's from and why he was in Oz.
Jack, Kate and Charlie discussing Claire's nightmares... Jack believes that the nightmares are anxiety driven.. due to pregnancy.  Need to keep her calm to keep her from having early labor.  Jack doesn't believe she was attacked, thinks it was another dream.   Ticks off Charlie, who leaves saying "It's not all in her head!"
Hurley back in the jungle with the census.. talking to Ethan, mixes him up with Lance... Hurley making small talk, about how we've been on this island several weeks, you'd think we'd know who was who... so, name is Ethan.. last name? Rom R-O-M.  From? Ontario... Ethan wants to know what this is for?  Hurley tells him, nothing.. just thought it was a good idea to know who all was there.
Jack and Claire in the cave.. he tries to give her a sedative, tells her the nightmares are due to pregnancy.. she gets all defensive.. says it was safer at the beach.. she's going back.  Packs her things... starts back through the jungle to the beach...  
Back to Oz and the psychic (Malkin) - Claire goes back to the psychic, and asks him if he remembers her, said he wouldn't give her a reading.. and now wants to know if he will.  He agrees, takes her hands.. wants to know when he left her... Claire asks is that why you wouldn't do the reading before?  He tells her no, before it was blurry... she asks if blurry is bad.  He tells blurry's bad, that's why he stopped before, asks if she's sure she wants to do this...  
MALKIN:  I can tell you... this is important.
MALKIN:  It is crucial that you yourself raise this child.
CLAIRE:  You mean with Thomas?  Is he --  
MALKIN: The father of the child will play no part in its life, nor yours.
CLAIRE:  So, what exactly are you saying?
MALKIN:  This child parented by anyone else, anyone other than you ... danger surrounds this baby.
CLAIRE:  Danger?
MALKIN:  Your nature, your spirit, your goodness must be an influence in the development of this child.
CLAIRE:  Look, if Thomas and I don't, you know, get back together, I'm putting this baby up for adoption.  (He sighs.)  I just wanted to find out what would give the baby the happiest life.
MALKIN: There is no happy life.  Not for this child, not without you.
CLAIRE:  I don't --
MALKIN:  There can't be another.  You mustn't allow another to raise your baby.
CLAIRE:  Okay.  Great.  Thanks for taking  
my two hundred dollars.
He stands up, grabs the money and shoves it toward her.  
MALKIN:  No, no, no.  Look, take it.  Miss Littleton, I am begging you just to consider --
CLAIRE: I can't raise this child by myself!
MALKIN: You have to listen to me!
CLAIRE:  Okay, thanks for your time and my money back!
(Claire rushes toward the door.)  
MALKIN:  Miss Littleton, please!  The baby needs your protection!  Miss Littleton, please!
It's night, Claire is at home, Malkin calls and tells her he has a plan that will make this all better.  She tells him no, that she's been telling him for months she isn't keeping the baby.. to stop calling her... she is going to adoptive service tomorrow.... He tells her great danger will befall her and her baby if she doesn't do what he's suggesting.  She tells him NO, great danger will befall YOU if you don't stop calling me in the middle of the night!  He begs her to listen, she tells him goodnite and hangs up.
Back in the jungle - Charlie has caught up to Claire, she tells him Jack tried to give her the sedative.. she wants to go back to the beach, it's safe there.  
Back on the beach, Hurley is still collecting information - Shannon, Boone.  They want to know why he's doing this.. Boone tells him it would be a lot easier if he just got the manifest from the flight... they crossed out all the names of the dead... Hurley asks who has it... who do you think? (Sawyer.. lol).  Hurley goes to Sawyer for the manifest, and he actually gives it to him without an arguement.. (tho he does call him Stay-puff.. )
Back in the jungle, Charlie and Claire headed for the beach.. Claire starts having contractions.  She sends Charlie back for Jack and flashes back to Oz...  
Adoption Services - couple is there to adopt the baby... they have an apartment for Claire, will give her living expenses... she asks them if they know "Catch a Falling Star".. her dad used to sing it to her, wants to know will they sing it to the baby... they say yes.  She starts to sign the contract... the pen won't write... the attorney hands her a second pen... pen doesn't work.. she shakes it,.. it still doesn't write... The lady adopting the baby gives her a third pen... she begins to sign, then tells them she's sorry, she can't do this... She leaves and goes to Malkin's home to ask him what his "deal" is...  
On the way back to the caves.. Charlie runs into .. what's your name?  Ethan.. yeah, Ethan... go get Jack! Claire's in labor..  
Ethan: Is she ok?  
Charlie: she's having the baby... go get Jack...
Ethan heads for the caves, Charlie runs back to Claire.
Back in Oz:  
CLAIRE:  You spent the last four months telling me I have to raise the baby myself.  And now you' giving me money and saying I don't have to?
MALKIN:  I found a couple in Los Angeles who are very eager to adopt.  The baby will be safe in their care.  Now, I've foreseen --
CLAIRE: You've foreseen.  I don't even know why I'm here. I'm sorry.
MALKIN:  I know this sounds ridiculous, Claire -- all this psychic business -- and I appreciate that you must think I'm a raving madman.  But this is what must happen.
CLAIRE:  So you're giving me $6,000 to give my baby to a couple of strangers in Los Angeles?
MALKIN:  Twelve thousand.  The other six when you arrive in Los Angeles. And they're not strangers, Claire.  They're good people.
Back in the jungle, Claire is telling Charlie about Malkin, how he kept on about how she couldn't give the baby  up, and then sent her to Los Angeles... Charlie implies that maybe Malkin knew about the crash, and there'd be no way for Claire to give up the baby.
Back in Oz:  
CLAIRE:  I can't go tomorrow.  I have to get my st--
MALKIN: It has to be this flight.  It can't be any other.  They're already scheduled to meet you when you arrive.  Flight eight-fifteen.  Flight eight-fifteen.
Back in the jungle: Claire says, there was no couple, he knew about the plane.. oh my god.. he knew.
Sayid is shown in the jungle, rushing back to the others.. leg tied with a shirt, using a stick as a cane to help him... rushing to get back.  
Charlie and Claire in the jungle still, pains have stopped.  Charlie is going to help her back to the caves.
Sayid reaches the caves.. tells Jack, Kate and Locke what he's found (watch Solitary this week to find out.. Wink)
Claire and Charlie headed back to the caves...  
Hurley rushes into the cave.. interrupts telling Jack "We've got a problem!"  Tells them how he got the manifest from Sawyer.. got names of all the people on the island... one of them isn't on the manifest!!! He wasn't on the plane!!!
Charlie and Claire walking back.. they meet Ethan on the path. Ethan smiles.. stares at Claire... "Hello there" Charlie asks where Jack is.. Ethan just stares at Claire.  
The End.. Smiley
« Last Edit: Jul 25th, 2005, 7:20pm by yesteach » IP Logged

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Re: Raised by Another - Synopsis
« Reply #1 on: Jul 27th, 2005, 8:49pm »
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Thankyou yesteach !  I would have been really upset to miss an episode.Especially when it looks like "All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues," opens with Charlie & Claire missing (according to the TVguide listing for 8/3).It would have been weird to watch that one not knowing what happened previously.
I guess ABC is trying to fit the most important episodes in before the season 2 premiere huh?
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Re: Raised by Another - Synopsis
« Reply #2 on: Jul 27th, 2005, 11:15pm »
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That's what I think... also, they showed some of them a second time during the season, maybe they're showing the ones that only got shown once during the regular season??  I don't know.. but I have transcripts of all the shows... anyone I notice they're skipping, I'll put up a synopsis for it, so you can keep up...  
Also, DVD of Season 1 comes out September 6... Cheesy
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Re: Raised by Another - Synopsis
« Reply #3 on: Jul 28th, 2005, 9:41am »
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thanks Yes teach!! I really appreciate this!  
not gonna buy the DVD's will rent from Netflix
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Re: Raised by Another - Synopsis
« Reply #4 on: Jul 28th, 2005, 12:28pm »
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on Jul 27th, 2005, 11:15pm, yesteach wrote:
anyone I notice they're skipping, I'll put up a synopsis for it, so you can keep up...  
Also, DVD of Season 1 comes out September 6... Cheesy

I really appreciate that!!  I printed out your synopsis to read to my DH before next weeks episode.
I have a feeling that there will be several more that they skip because there is not enough time to fit them in once weekly before the season premiere 9/21.
I will have to buy the DVD set, because I am SOOO hooked on Lost now its not even funny.So goodness knows I can't miss any,LOL.
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