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   Author  Topic: From Comic Con  (Read 1026 times)
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From Comic Con
« on: Jul 26th, 2007, 11:19pm »
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From TV Guide:
The Big Lost Surprise
What was the big surprise at the Lost panel today? Michael (Harold
Perrineau Jr.) is coming back to the island, though the surprise
wasn't as big as it was planned to be after the announcement was made
at yesterday's TCA event (see Ausiello's blog from the event
While the "big surprise" was lessened a bit, "Team Darlton" (Damon
Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse) had a few tricks up their sleeves for the
packed room, many of whom started lining up 3 hours before the panel
began. They were more than willing to answer questions from fans,
except each was armed with a bell that they would ring if they felt
the other was going a bit too far with their answer; the bells were
used far too often, followed by the groans of fans. A fan followed up
on the Michael announcement by asking for more information on how
he'll return, and before Carlton Cuse had a chance to answer, the
sound of a bell could be heard off-stage, and Harold Perrineau Jr.
emerged to an eruption of applause from the audience; it was only time
the bell was met with applause. They wouldn't reveal when Michael
returns, but they said Perrineau would be a series regular in the
fourth season, and his return would be near the start of the season.
Fans were very curious about the use of the flash-forward in the
season finale, and Darlton revealed that they'll be used in season 4,
while still continuing with flash-backs. The big question is how far
forward, and with whom, since a future-flash would reveal details
about the current situation on the island (we already know Jack and
Kate survive, since they were in the first flash-forward).
Flash-forwards were always in the works, they just had to decide when
to reveal the plot device to the audience, and the season 3 finale
seemed like the best time.
There were other random facts reveled in the panel:
-The show will have an end, and the finale won't leave fans hanging
with 10 seconds of black
-We'll find out more about Libby in season 4
-Russo's story will be told, but probably not until season 5
-Season 4 will premiere in February, and will run for 16 weeks without
reruns. Seasons 5 and 6 will also consist of 16 episodes.
-A trailer for the Lost video game was shown, though most of the
footage showed characters in the jungle. The game is being developed
by Ubisoft Montreal
-Ben didn't plan to be caught in Russo's trap, and where he was going
at the time will be revealed
-What happened to the balloonist Henry Gale? Ben didn't kill him, but
"they had words."
The panel ended with a recently discovered Dharma film talking about
station 6, "The Orchid." It's not a botanical research station, but is
highly volatile, and potentially dangerous experiment. The film shows
Dr. Marvin Candle holding a rabbit with the number 15 on his side,
written in black. Objects begin falling behind Candle, the camera
moves, and an identical rabbit appears on a shelf. They start shooting
the opening to the training video again before the film runs out.
Could this be a cloning experiment? Hopefully that's answered in
season 4.
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Re: From Comic Con
« Reply #1 on: Jul 27th, 2007, 1:41am »
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Go Live with Lost at Comic-Con!
Lost producers: Carlton Cuse, Damon Lindelof
The time has come for Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse to end their
radio silence about Lost (thank God!). This afternoon, live at
Comic-Con, the powers that be behind the show we love will take the
stage to answer fan questions about what went down during that finale
and what to expect from season four.
I, Dr. Anna Graham, am here live in the ballroom, ready, willing and
able to repeat the sounding joy (direct to you) when they start
dishing from the stage. So, I have a deal for you: You hit the reload
button a lot, beginning at 5 p.m. PT, and I'll post frequently, for
the duration, to deliver everything there is to know about our
favorite show! Get it? Got it? Good.
Exclusive sneak preview: "The survival of the Island is now at stake."
Oh yeah...
4:19 p.m.: If you're the kind of person who gets upset because someone
told you Harold Perrineau is coming back to Lost, you don't want to
read any further into this liveblog. Fair warning...Meanwhile, room is
almost full. If you're reading this on your CrackBerry at the
Convention Center, you might want to haul your butt in here now.
4:46 p.m.: Room pretty much full, but I hear if you get to the
Inkworks booth downstairs sooner rather than later, you can pick up
tickets to the Darlton postpanel autograph session.
5:06 p.m.: "Are you ready?" asks the lady. Yes, let's go!
5:11 p.m.: Clip show of season three begins; Michael Emerson calls the
Others a "rebel sect." I suspect this is from the DVD. Also, the fans
are crazy-loud right now.
5:12 p.m.: More clip show: "By the time you see this I will be dead,"
says M.C. Gainey before coexecutive producers Eddie Kitsis and Adam
Horowitz make a funny tribute to the unsung Others (your Lukes and
your Jasons).
5:13 p.m.: More clip show: Holloway is saying something on the screen,
but the screaming in the room (in which I'm actively participating)
drowns him out. Voice-over: "The survival of the Island is now at
stake." Told ya! And then it's over.
5:14 p.m.: Lost executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse
(aka D.L. and C.C.) are here! There might not be any microphones,
however. Oops. Hilarious. They are mute.
5:15 p.m.: Yay, they can speak now.
5:16 p.m.: Lost videogame footage; don't care, sorry, I just do the television.
5:18 p.m.: D.L. regarding flashbacks: "Ever so slowly going the way of
the dodo on the real show."
5:19 p.m.: D.L. confession: "Carlton and I, we're drunk, first off."
He continues with a tribute to the fans, saying the fans are the
reason there's an ending coming. Season four starts in February, runs
16 eps straight.
5:20 p.m.: They have a bell, Damon can ring it if Carlton says too
much, Carlton can do the same to Damon. This is their over-disclosure
5:22 p.m.: People are invited to get in the questions line. Earlier we
were warned via loudspeaker to, essentially, not be crazy when
addressing the panel, as in don't ask for them to have your babies,
hug you or give you a job. As people are getting into line, Damon
says, "If hugs are inappropriate, well, then I don't ever want to come
here again."
5:23 p.m.: Now comes the question and answer portion of the evening.
Dude wants to know about season three's violent turn. (I'm for it,
thanks for asking.) Dude wants the powers that be to promise that the
Others aren't the good guys. No promises are forthcoming.
5:24 p.m.: Carlton says they wanted a showdown, and that involved a
body count. Damon says our guys are more violent but prettier. "When
Sawyer is punching you in the face, you're like, More please, you're
so attractive, can you take your shirt off please?" But when Friendly
does it, it's relentless violence. Says Damon: "If the violence stays
intense, it will at least be perpetrated by catastrophically
good-looking people."
5:26 p.m.: Writing is a collaborative process. Every writer has their
own favorite character. Eddie and Adam love Hurley and Charlie and all
the minor characters; Eddie pitched the van idea for Hurley, which
connected with the Ben patricide storyline.
5:27 p.m.: Lindelof says, "We have the best job in the world."
5:28 p.m.: Where's Michael? They address the stupid reporter riot
yesterday and wanted to announce here that Harold is returning, but
they tell the questionner they're not talking about how or when
Michael Dawson will return.
5:30 p.m.: Damon wants to know why we're being so nice, and then they
tell us there are more flashforwards coming. Carlton says flashbacks
and flashforwards are both on the show going forward. "How far
forward" and "with whom" are the Q's.
5:31 p.m.: Will Jack and Claire find out they are related? Carlton
rings the bell on Damon, but Damon nods furiously. The crowd goes
5:33 p.m.: More Dharma sharkz? Carlton: "May be learning more about
Dharma sooner than you ever imagined." Oh, I smell a clip coming
tonight. Apparently, check back at 5:58 (or below at 6:07). Carlton
rings the bell.
5:34 p.m.: DVDs will be out Dec. 11, and no reruns are expected. Why
won't anyone listen to me--no one watches or airs reruns anymore? This
is a JenFact! Trust me, people!
5:35 p.m.: Did Ben get caught by Rousseau on purpose? Did Ben kill the
real Henry Gale? Damon says he will answer one of those questions. The
asker chooses the capture question. Carlton: "He got caught by
accident." Damon volunteers this, regarding Ben vs. Henry Gale: "They
had words."
5:39 p.m.: They were running out of plausible flashback material, so
it was time to switch gears into flashfowards. The end date allowed
them the certainty necessary to add that element into the show without
further antagonizing fans. Carlton: "What you saw with Kate and Jack
was not the end of the show." Damon: "The show has never really been
about getting off the Island...There's this whole chapter of the story
that takes place off the Island." JG (that's me): Outstanding!
5:41 p.m.: Chick wants to know when Michael is coming back. She's
yelling now, Damon yells back, it's very cute. Harold's totally here.
Totally told you in the message boards. And now: "Ladies and
gentlemen, Harold Perrineau." Ha!
5:43 p.m.: Harold is taking Q's. Damon says, "Harold is the first and
only actor who's left the show as part of a grander design to come
back." Uh huh. Anyway, Harold's so cute.
5:44 p.m.: Harold says, "Finally, it has all worked out...really
excited to go back to Hawaii." Carlton re poor crazy Michael, "He took
some extreme actions." Michael's story is about the power of the
Island to be redemptive. And this won't be a quick pop by Redemption
Island; Harold is a series regular. TOLD. YOU. Michael returns early
in the fourth season, or so says Damon.
5:45 p.m.: Dude ignores Harold to ask about Rachel Blake. Carlton says
no Rachel on Island probably.
5:47 p.m.: Damon says the benefits of only doing 16 episodes (versus
22) a year is they can do more ancillary "awesome" stuff.
5:48 p.m.: Someone asks what Damon and Carlton want to do in their
post-Lost retirement. They don't think about it because the show is
too all-consuming.
5:51 p.m.: Damon: "It's every writer's, actor's and storyteller's
dream to have a dialogue with people who are watching a story you're
telling. I wouldn't want to make a mistake of trying to chase
something like Lost again. Might just write a pamphlet. Or a grocery
5:51 p.m.: Dude says he likes Richard Alpert; Damon and Carlton say (I
paraphrase) don't get too attached to him, because Nestor Carbonell's
on CBS' Cane.
5:52 p.m.: They're writing episode one, but it's still untitled, so
they can't tell us.
5:53 p.m.: "What questions are fans not asking that we ought to be?"
Carlton: "Who's in the coffin?" and rings the bell on himself. D.L.
and C.C. ask Harold, "Who do you think is in the coffin?" Harold
thinks it's the person with the teenage son...probably Locke! Damon
would ask, "Who's on that freighter out there, and what do they want
out of the Island?" Carlton would ask, "Okay, Kate and Jack got off
the Island? Did anybody else get off the Island?"
5:53 p.m.: Five minutes to go in the session, three minutes until the
clip, or so we are told.
5:56 p.m.: Wasted question; we knew the answer: The falling dude from
Hurley's building was not Locke.
5:56 p.m.: Libby time! There have been hints she worked for Dharma, so
when do we find out what is up with Libby? Carlton: "It is our
intention to get to Libby's story this year, and we think you will be
happy when we finish that." Damon: "You're not barking up the wrong
5:57 p.m.: Will there be a Danielle flashback any time soon? Damon:
"There are important things going on in that story, and they have to
sync up." They'll do that syncing either this or next season.
5:58 p.m.: They'll have written through episode 15 or 16 by the time
we see the premiere, which is to say, try not to get too drunk on
spoilers before the season even begins.
6:01 p.m.: Aaron asks, "Can I call the monster Cerebus?" Damon
says...[nerdiness follows] On the blast-door map, C.V. stood for
Cerebus Vents. "That's Dharma's name for it, maybe. Cerberus is one of
it's names. Damon: "Aaron, may I call you Cerebus?" Aaron-Cerebus: The
monster seems kind of seems like it represents judgment. Why did Eko
have to die? Damon: The whole deal with the monster will be definitely
answered. Carlton: The monster answer is "not going to be 10 seconds
of blank tape." Ooh, David Chase burn.
6:04 p.m.: No more Q's for us. H.P., D.L. and C.C. have a group hug.
Feel the love; I know I do.
6:05 p.m.: Shooting starts in four weeks.
6:05 p.m.: Our superspecial Comic-Con exclusive clip was "discovered"
in "Narvik, Norway."
6:06 p.m.: Aww, I think he likes us. Damon: "This is literally the
highlight of our year...This show was born out of the Con. We do it
for you and with you."
6:07 p.m.: The promised clip is one of the station orientation films,
hosted by Marvin Candle under an alias. The footage begins with him
getting his makeup done and smoothing down his Dharma labcoat. Bunny!
Evil bunny! It's about bunnies! Bunny #15, to be specific. Marvin, who
calls himself Dr. Edgar Halifax in this film, identifies it as for
station six, the Orchid. He says the viewer has probably realized by
now that he or she is working at a mere botanical research unit. He
apologizes for making them lie to their friends and families about the
nature of the work. He mentions something that sounds like "Kasimir
effect" (I googled this, and it's Casimir effect - see sites listed below) and mentions the "unique properties of the Island." Then
there's one of Jacob's subliminal messages. It may have been some
variation on "as Jacob loves you" but I can't be sure. Then there's a
bunny riot. Seriously. One of the station's alarm blares, Dr.
Halifax/Marvin panics. There's an intercut clip of someone riding a
bicycle. The clip is inserted upside-down and the rider appears to be
in the village green of Otherville...And then, amidst the chaos
(perhaps this is the Incident?), the filmstrip slides off the reel.
That's all I got.
6:08 p.m.: And that's all folks. Our exit soundtrack is "Got Myself a
Gun" from The Sopranos credits. Clue, or just Muzak? You tell me.
Love, luck and lollipops, kids; see you in another life.
« Last Edit: Jul 27th, 2007, 1:46am by yesteach » IP Logged

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Casimir Effect
« Reply #2 on: Jul 27th, 2007, 1:43am »
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 A small attractive force that acts between two close parallel uncharged conducting plates. Its existence was first predicted by the Dutch physicist Hendrick Casimir in 19481 and confirmed experimentally by Steven Lamoreaux, now of Los Alamos National Laboratory, in 19962, 3.
The Casimir effect is one of several phenomena that provide convincing evidence for the reality of the quantum vacuum – the equivalent in quantum mechanics of what, in classical physics, would be described as empty space. It has been linked to the possibility of faster-than-light travel.
According to modern physics, a vacuum is full of fluctuating electromagnetic waves of all possible wavelengths which imbue it with a vast amount of energy, normally invisible to us. Casimir realized that between two plates, only those unseen electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths fit a whole number of times into the gap should be counted when calculating the vacuum energy. As the gap between the plates is narrowed, fewer waves can contribute to the vacuum energy and so the energy density between the plates falls below the energy density of the surrounding space. The result is a tiny force trying to pull the plates together – a force that has been measured and thus provides proof of the existence of the quantum vacuum.
Casimir effect and propulsion
This may be relevant to space travel because the region inside a Casimir cavity has negative energy density. Zero energy density, by definition, is the energy density of normal " empty space." Since the energy density between the conductors of a Casimir cavity is less than normal, it must be negative. Regions of negative energy density are thought to be essential to a number of hypothetical faster-than-light propulsion schemes, including stable wormholes and the Alcubierre warp drive.
There is another interesting possibility for breaking the light-barrier by an extension of the Casimir effect. Light in normal empty space is " slowed" by interactions with the unseen waves or particles with which the quantum vacuum seethes. But within the energy-depleted region of a Casimir cavity, light should travel slightly faster because there are fewer obstacles. A few years ago, K. Scharnhorst of the Alexander von Humboldt University in Berlin published calculations4 showing that, under the right conditions, light can be induced to break the usual light-speed barrier. Under normal laboratory conditions this increase in speed is incredibly small, but future technology may afford ways of producing a much greater Casimir effect in which light can travel much faster. If so, it might be possible to surround a space vehicle with a " bubble" of highly energy-depleted vacuum, in which the spacecraft could travel at FTL velocities, carrying the bubble along with it.
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Alcubierre Warp Drive
« Reply #3 on: Jul 27th, 2007, 1:44am »
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 An idea for achieving faster-than-light travel suggested by the Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre in 1994.1 It starts from the notion, implicit in Einstein's general theory of relativity, that matter causes the surface of spacetime around it to curve. Alcubierre was interested in the possibility of whether Star Trek's fictional "warp drive" could ever be realized. This led him to search for a valid mathematical description of the gravitational field that would allow a kind of spacetime warp to serve as a means of superluminal propulsion. Alcubierre concluded that a warp drive would be feasible if matter could be arranged so as to expand the spacetime behind a starship (thus pushing the departure point many light-years back) and contract the spacetime in front (bringing the destination closer), while leaving the starship itself in a locally flat region of spacetime bounded by a "warp bubble" that lay between the two distortions. The ship would then surf along in its bubble at an arbitrarily high velocity, pushed forward by the expansion of space at its rear and the contraction of space in front. It could travel faster than light without breaking any physical law because, with respect to the spacetime in its warp bubble, it would be at rest. Also, being locally stationary, the starship and its crew would be immune from any devastatingly high accelerations and decelerations (obviating the need for "inertial dampers"), and from relativistic effects such as time dilation (since the passage of time inside the warp bubble would be the same as that outside).  
 Could such a warp drive be built? It would require, as Alcubierre pointed out, the manipulation of matter with a negative energy density. Such matter, known as exotic matter, is the same kind of peculiar stuff apparently needed to maintain stable wormholes – another proposed means of circumventing the light barrier. Quantum mechanics allows the existence of regions of negative energy density under special circumstances, such as in the Casimir effect.
Further analysis of Alubierre's warp drive concept by Chris Van Den Broeck of the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium,2 has perhaps brought the construction of the starship Enterprise a little closer. Van Den Broeck's calculations put the amount of energy required much lower than that quoted in Alcubierre's paper. But this is not to say we are on the verge of warp capability. As Van Den Broeck concludes: "The first warp drive is still a long way off but maybe it has now become slightly less improbable."  
How's that for a fun night's reading.. :yikes:
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