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   Author  Topic: Survivor: The Amazing Race  (Read 2077 times)
You Bet Your ASS Team
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Re: Survivor: The Amazing Race
« Reply #15 on: Apr 23rd, 2005, 1:44am »

Episode 3 up next tomorrow.
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Re: Survivor: The Amazing Race
« Reply #16 on: Apr 23rd, 2005, 9:52pm »

Really i thought Bill was really evil! He blocked the Airport gate!
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Creeping The Hell Out of Me
« Reply #17 on: May 1st, 2005, 3:23pm »

Night 3: Unbeatable
Gerard: Great job guys. Nice plan.
Amie: Yuh. Its awesome voting someone you like to go...
Rob: He deserved it.
Amie: Gerard's really pissed. He thinks that he can get all of us voting Marsha off. No way. Marsha's staying. He'll go. Wait for the next tribal council. He will go.
Rob: He's just pissed of Bill's exit.
Day 4:  
REWARD CHALLENGE: Escape Challenge
Winner: Marduk
Reward: Clothing, Sewing Kit
SitOut for Bolut: Marshall, Russel
Night 4: Determined to Win
After the reward Challenge, where in Bolut loses. The team took it teh hard way.  
Greg: It was a physical challenge. And we lose. Well, we should just give it for the Immunity.
On the other camp, things get nasty.
Marsha: We win reward but will we ever win Immunity?
Gerard: Cause we boot the guys off.
Day 5
Sitout: Pat
Best of 10
Rob vs. Greg--- ROB (1-0)
Marsha vs. Heidi --- HEIDI (1-1)
Amie vs. Tara--- TARA (1-2)
Maria vs. Allison--- ALLISON (1-3)
Gerard vs. Marshall--- GERARD (2-3)
Bill vs. Chuck--- CHUCK (2-4)
Steve vs. Russel--- STEVE (3-4)
Rob vs. Greg---GREG(3-5)
Marsha vs. Heidi---MARSHA (4-5)
Amie vs. Tara--- AMIE (5-5)
Maria vs. Allison---ALLISON(5-6)
Gerard vs. Marshall- GERARD (6-6)
Bill vs. Chuck---CHUCK (6-7)
Steve vs. Russel---STEVE (7-7)
Rob vs. Greg---ROB (8-7)
Marsha vs. Heidi--- HEIDI (8-Cool
Amie vs. Tara--- TARA(8-9)
Maria vs. Allison--- ALLISON (8-10)
Bolut wins Immunity
JP: Marduk, Ill see you at tribal council. Go back. But for Bolut, nice piece of metal I have for you still, the Immunity Idol. You are safe for another three days.
Night 5: Voting Out
JP: Let us start off, after the tribal council, what was the tribe's reaction to the elimination?
Gerard: It was shocking. And I was pissed of what happened. Its creeping the hell out of me.
Rob: It's just that their plans were toasted and were unplotted now that Bill's out.
Amie: The things that happen to the tribe, its pretty blatant they are psuhing their own plans. And the tribe rebelled and some had theirselves pissed off.
JP: Next, Gerard, let us talk about how you stand in the game. Are you not threatened that you are the loner at this tribe?
Gerard: It is really frustrating how events happened and flipped and turned. Its just that I think sometimes people betray other people.
Marsha: Its not the betrayal. Its what it should happen. All the things done are against you. What will you expect to do?
JP:There's some heat going on. Now, let us have Maria, how will you vote tonight?
Maria: I think I will base my vote the standing of the tribe, and what I think is right to do and who to vote out this time.
JP: Okay with that, let us start with the votes. Maria you are first.
MARIA: It is really devastating seeing you go, because you are colorful and fun. But still, that does not erase the fact that this is  a game. And I need to vote you off.
MARSHA: I vote for GERARD, the game is on, and I will not take the fall. Best of luck to you.
GERARD: I vote for Marsha, I hope that Amie and Rob can still go with me this time. Marsha is a bitch and you should be out here before I do.
STEVE: Sorry for the vote. I am just going on how the votes should be.
ROB: It's come down to wires. And I really do not know what I want to do. I do think both of you can help in the tribe and contribute in the tribe's best. But one of you must go home.
AMIE: Ding! Dong! I will not be surprised if this will blindside you. I do think that someone is going to do better for our tribe, but I do believe that its not you.
JP: Ill go tally the votes.
First vote, Gerard
Second vote, Marsha.
Third vote, Marsha, 2 votes Marsha, 1 vote Gerard.
Next vote, Gerard, 2 votes Gerard, 2 votes Marsha.
Next vote, Gerard
The third person voted off STAR is...
Gerard. Need to bring me your torch. Its time to say goodbye
JP: One thing is for sure. An alliance is pounding this tribe down. Four votes count. And four votes always eliminate someone in this tribe. Lets see if you can figure it all out. You can now head home to your camp.  
GERARD: Well, I was not surprised, I was not expecting Rob and Amie to be with me. I just do not lose hope. Oh well, I hope Marduk still will win it.
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Re: Survivor: The Amazing Race
« Reply #18 on: May 4th, 2005, 3:19am »

Like it! But, you've done Sumo at Sea twice now. Can you do something different?
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Episode 3: It Has Come Down To Wires
« Reply #19 on: May 7th, 2005, 12:11pm »

Sorry I missed that part...
Episode 4: It Has Come Down To The Wires: Marsha Deleted.
Night 5:  
Steve: Well, I guess I am the next one leaving.
Amie: Sorry Steve, but you'll never know.
Rob: Definitely, someone might be going three more days, and if you won't secure yourself, you might go.
Day 6:  
Winner: Marduk
Reward: A Refrigerator of Coca Cola
SitOut for Bolut: Rusell, Heidi, Marshall
Amie, Rob and Maria. (MARDUK). Steve/Marsha, the callers.
Greg, Chuck and Tara. (BOLUT). Allison/Pat, the callers.
Marduk gives 20 pounds to Greg, Bolut gives 20 pounds to Maria.
(repeated eight times)
MARIA was eliminated.
Bolut gives 20 pounds to Amie. Marduk gives another 20 to Greg.
GREG was eliminated. Its down 2-2.
Bolut gives 20 to Amie. Marduk gives 20 to Chuck.
Bolut gives 20 to Rob. Marduk gives 20 to Chuck.
(repeated five times)
CHUCK=120, ROB=100, AMIE=20, TARA=0
Marduk gives 20 to Chuck. Amie gets another 20.
Bolut calls 20 for Rob. Marduk calls 20 for Chuck.
CHUCK with 160. ROB with 120, AMIE with 40, TARA with 0
Chuck collapsed bringing Bolut with 1, Marduk still with 2.
Rob gets three more and collapsed, 1-1.
Its down to Amie and Tara. Tara gets 60.
Amie gets 60.
Tara gets 80. Amie gets 80.
And with 100, Tara collapsed, secured Reward for Marduk was Amie!
Day 7: Its Down To The Wires
Rob: Look at it Amie. If we have Steve on our side, we  can get him till the end, cause he has nothing and well, we could count on him. If Marsha's with us, someone from the other tribe might get her or form an alliance with her. Besides, we will not worry anymore with our alliance with her.
Amie: Let's just think about that. Steve now clearly should go.
Rob: Finalize it before the tribal council comes, if we lose.
IMMUNITY CHALLENGE: Survivor Barracks Game (Tribal)
Sitout: Chuck, Pat, Allison
Its 9-9 as all nine answers were correct and it has come down to the last question.
In Amazing Race 7, who go to shave their head?
Marduk answers, Lynn/Alex
Heidi knows the answer, Uchenna/Joyce and had won the immunity
JP: Marduk, Ill see you at tribal council. Go back. Someone of this five will be eliminated, and eventually you are a half of Bolut. But for Bolut, nice piece of metal I have for you still, the Immunity Idol. You are safe for another three days.
Night 7: Tribal Council Shook Up
JP: Okay, lets begin. This is your fourth time at tribal council. Steve, are you expecting to be voted out tonight?
Steve: Honestly Jeff, yes. I am vulnerable this week. Its just that I am the only one left out here.
Rob: Well, you'll never know. There are some plans that could be pushed through.
JP: Next, Maria, do you think voting off another will help your tribe?
Maria: Its always unhelpful if a tribe member goes. It's just that its not really good in the ears.
Marsha: Well, like maria said, voting really is unhelpful. Survivor is a number's game and if we merge and that we are minority we are screwed.
JP: Well, you dont want to do it, but you will now be down to four. Maria, its time to vote.
MARIA: This has been a great adventure with you, but I hope that this might lead to a change in our tribe. Good luck...peace out...
MARSHA: I vote for Steve, just the odd man out.
STEVE: Marsha, you were this bitch that never goes home. Finally, here is your setback when Amie and Rob goes against you.
ROB: I believe that you should not stay longer, for the fact that you were weak.
AMIE: Steve or Marsha. Marsha you are a really great girl but you know that we prolonged your stay so dont do bitching. Steve, your good but weak. Well, lets just find out who goes.
JP: Ill go tally the votes.
First Vote, Marsha...
Second Vote, Steve...
Third vote, Steve, That is two for Steve, one for Marsha.
Next vote, Marsha, 2 votes Steve, 2 votes Marsha
The fourth person voted off STAR is...
MARSHA, its three votes. Need to bring me your torch. The tribe has spoken.
JP: Clearly, this tribe is unpredictable. Last time, you vote Gerard off was expected. And now Steve, you are still there, Marsha goes home. I don't know what's all in ya head. But its time to head home.
MARSHA: I was so devastated seeing myself go, when there were already two votes I was already nervous that Amie and Rob has gone against me. Oh well. I enjoyed it. No regrets.
---One member strives for survival. Will it make the castaway stay more than he/she should have?
---Marduk has only four members. Will they vote their fifth person out of the game?
---And, Pat, Allison squares off, there's a smack down, is there any trouble in paradise? Will this affect Bolut's performance.
--- An archery contest is the total contest for the total reward.
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You Bet Your ASS Team
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Re: Survivor: The Amazing Race
« Reply #20 on: May 9th, 2005, 1:15am »

Episode 5: The Devil Resisted It: Steve Eliminated
Night 7: Tribe Morale
Steve: Thank you for prolonging my stay. I will show my best to all of you.
Amie: Its fine, we just think that ou are better off than Marsha.
Rob: Definitely and we'll need your vote.
Maria: Well, it has come dowwn to the final four.
At Bolut, the happy familt's got trouble.
Allison: Pat, you know what I am tired of you doing all of this trash.
Pat: trash what?
Allison: You are irresponsible, uncooperative, lazy and all.
Pat: So what? Do all you can to win? If being lazy might let me win this thing. Thats what I am doing.. haha.
Allison: I am just tired of your act.
Greg: You know what, Pat must do something or else, she might be first going off from Bolut.
Day 8:  
Winner: Bolut
Reward: Spices
SitOut for Bolut: Allison, Pat, Heidi, Tara
Chuck, Russel,  Gregg, and Marshall vs. Rob, Maria, Amie, Steve
CHUCK has aimed and has 1.
ROB has 1.
Russel missed.
Maria has aimed and targetted 2 for Marduk.
Gregg has second for Bolut.
Amie missed.
Marshall missed.
Steve missed.
Chucj has 3rd for Bolut.
Rob has 3rd for Marduk.
Russel missed. Maria missed.
Gregg has 4th for Bolut. Amie missed.  
Marshall has 5th for Bolut. Steve missed(5-3)
Chuck has 6th from Bolut. Rob has 4 for Marduk.
Russel missed. Maria hits 5th for Marduk.
Gregg has 7th for Bolut. Amie hits 6th for Marduk.
Marshall has 8th for Bolut, Steve has 7th for Marduk.
Chuck gives in 9th for Bolut. Rob gives in 8th for Marduk.
Russel missed. Maria connects 9-9.
Gregg vs. Amie, Gregg connects the tenth piece. Amie.... did not hit it. BOLUT WINS REWARD.
Day 9: Its Down To The Wires
Rob: Amie, Maria or Steve?
Amie: Steve, still. He's out of the plan/
(STeve comes to Amie)
Amie: Steve, you know you are outcasted and whatever happens tonight, I am sorry.
Steve: Could you flip to Rob?
Amie: What?  
Steve: Maria flipped, and will vote with me, that will be a tie. And the violet ball again will haunt us. WOuld you want to be eliminated just because of a purple stone?
Maria: As of now, I do not know who's to vote. He'll be slammed if I vote for him, but I will have the control in the game. LEt us just find out at the TC.
Sitout: Chuck, Russel, Marshall, Gregg
Bolut starts with a lead as the puzzle has it. Marduk on trail.
It ends with Bolut winning again. Marduk loses.
JP: Marduk, Ill see you at tribal council. One of you four will have to go home and eventually you are might be extinct from Bolut. But for Bolut, here's your Immunity Idol, that makes you safe for another three days.
Night 9: Tribal Council Shook Up
JP: Okay, lets begin. Marduk, this is your fifth straight. Let us again start with Steve. Are you afraid that you will be the one who's going tonight.
Steve: Jeff, you know what, i am ready, i brought all of my belongings here and all, this three makes a solid alliance and I am out of it.
Rob: Well, yes, Russel may go. But we are not closing our minds to new startegies that can change the phase of the game.
JP: Maria, do you think that all those in Bolut deserved to be staying till now.
Maria: Some deserved it. But some are just there, because they win the challenge. Not because they deserve it though.
JP: Now, your tribe has come to a downfall, it will now be down to three. Its time to vote. Rob, you are first.
ROB: It won;t be good without you, but as I say buh-bye...
MARIA: This is a great experience having you here, unfortunately, it has come to that time that you should be out. We did the best we can.
STEVE: Rob, I voted you cause I think you are the least deserving of the three. Anyways, i am going tonight kay?
AMIE: Steve, your good but weak. I just dont liek to see you go. But I am forced.
JP: Ill go tally the votes.
First Vote, Steve...
Second Vote, Steve...
The fifth person voted off STAR is...
Steve, the last vote will remain a mystery. Its time for you to go home.
JP: Now, I see a solid Marduk Tribe, a tribe of three. Thed million dollar question is will you be able to win an immunity challenge?  
STEVE: As I said, I am ready. I do not expect those people to vote against themselves while I am still there. they tried to prolong my stay. Its just that its my time to go.
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Re: Survivor: The Amazing Race
« Reply #21 on: May 12th, 2005, 9:29pm »

im glad you chose greg because he is not boring JP
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